What great hope for the lost that we find here. Jonah was inside this great fish, but yet God heard Him. Jonah had run from God, but God still heard Him. No one is past the grips of God’s grace. Paul was the chief of all sinners, but yet God loved Him. There is no one with a sin that Christ cannot redeem. His blood conquers all, there is no sin that His righteousness cannot wash away. Because of what Christ accomplished on the cross no one is beyond the point of redemption.
Let the truth of God’s unconditional love put in a place of awe and worship. The reason why God heard Jonah’s voice is the same reason He hears your voice. It’s not because of good things that you have done that God hears your prayers, but it is according to His mercy and grace. On no merit of our own are we able to come before His throne of grace. We are beggars sentenced to death and can never come before the King. The good news is that the Son of the King has provided a way for us to be considered children of the majestic One. Not because of what we have done, but because of what Christ accomplished on the cross is why God hears our voices.
Take note of God’s pursuing love. When God has His heart on someone then there is no way they can escape from Him. God never gave up on Jonah. When we see God’s compassion for the lost, how much more should fuel our passion for reaching out to those that don’t know Him. If God doesn’t give up on those that do not know His redeeming love, then we should not give up on praying for the lost. Let it not end at prayer, but let us be in persistent in showing Christ love. God is not like a spurned lover who sulks when people don’t show Him affection, but He pursues, so to we should pursue.
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