There are two essential truths that every Christian needs to know. The first is who we are, which is sinners, weak and unable to do any good on our own, but by God’s grace we have been saved and called to be His children. As God’s children we are His followers, giving our lives away to Him and dieing to self so that He may be glorified and honored in all that we do. This is only possible by the blood of Christ that was offered in exchange for our sinfulness. The second truth is that God is all knowing and the source of all wisdom. His judgment and ways are unsearchable and past finding out.
Since the garden of Eden, before the fall of man, we have always had a desire for more knowledge. Eve’s desire for that which is above her is what led her to eat from the tree that God had forbidden. The flesh knows that all of humanity shares the Achilles heel of curiosity and aims for that weakness, whether it be through gossip about others, anxious thoughts about the future or seeking things above us. Ultimately, there is only on thing we need to know and be concerned with and that is Christ and Him crucified.
Only God is wise and only He knows the fate of all people. Instead of striving for knowledge that does not build up or lead us to God, let us rest in the fact that he knows all the details of tomorrow. In the cross God is shown as ultimately trustworthy as He saves sinners and satisfies His justice. The questions about sins of others and their consequences or envy of their fruitfulness mean nothing when seen in light of God’s perfectly wise plan and grace.
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