Wednesday, June 13, 2007

For The Day of the Lord is great and very terrible, who can endure it? (Joel 2:10)

The greatest problem of fallen mankind is that of how to endure God's judgment. In the sight of a holy God none can stand. Only the Begotten One can intimately know the most high. Instead of claiming this right, He laid aside all to face God's judgment in our place. A pure unspotted sacrifice was required to satisfy God's wrath.

The day of the Lord is one of dread for those who don't know Him. We are called to live in light of that day and never take advantage of the present day. The believer with the day of the Lord on His mind always has the lost on His heart. No one knows the day of the Lord, so let today be a day that your desire for the lost to know God's grace is greater then yesterday. May each day see your prayers for the lost increase in fervor.

On that day, every knee on earth. above the earth and below the earth will bow to Jesus the Lord. How great it will be if your friends and family bow to the King of kings out of awe to His grace instead of fear of His wrath. They will either sing of His mercy or in eternal torment cry for mercy. Before that day what will you do today to point them to the Lord your God who is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and of great kindness.

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