Many different terms have been used to describe the Christian walk. In my humble opinion, the most accurate analogy is that of marriage. Christ is our groom, He has paid the price of His pure and holy blood to have us as His bride. With His Holy Spirit He has wooed us to be in relationship with Him. From before there was time Christ had His gaze set us on us and choose us to be His own. In our marriage to the King He took the initiative and called us out of darkness to live in His marvelous light under the provision of His grace.
To live as the bride of Christ is not a legalistic set of rules, but a relationship. In our relationship with Him our motivation is never to gain His favor because we can't earn it, but our motivation is a response to His gracious goodness to us. No husband ever writes his wife poetry out of obligation, but he freely gives his wife praise, fso unto God, you should worship with Him with your life because He is deserving and not for any other reasons. Your reasoning for reading His Word is to never have something to check off your list, but instead it should be done to know the one who loves you infinitely. Too often prayer is done because you are in a bind and hope that God can move you out of the rock and hard spot your self sufficiency has put you in when the proper attitude of prayer should be to posture yourself to gaze on the beauty of the beautiful One.
Just as a husband loves to come home to his wife and be with her, the believer's heart should always desire to come to God and be with Him. Your gaze to God should radiate with affection and awe at His perfection. As a Christian your vow is to forsake all the things this world offers so that you can glorify God in all that He has called you to. No desire should be greater then growing in your intimacy with Him who has won your heart. Let there be no greater joy in your heart then the joy of communing with Him who made you to love Him.
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