Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I was no prophet, nor was I a son of a prophet, but I was a sheepbreeder (Amos 7:14)

If you are aware of your inadequacies and inability to do great things for God, then takes your eyes off of yourself and look to God. The God that has called you into His kingdom is a God who uses the foolish things of the world to shame the wise. Amos was a sheepbreeder that had no prophets in his family tree, but yet by God's calling he became a prophet. David was the youngest in his family and a shepherd, but by God's calling he slayed a giant and became a great king. Is there something that God is calling you to, but yet you know on your own you cannot fulfill that calling? You are correct in know that on your own you can do not what God has called you to, but know that by His grace all things are possible.

Look back at what He has already done and be encouraged. You were once enslaved to sin, but by the power of Christ blood you have been freed. Previously you were lost, living without a purpose, but now you have been found and living for God's glory. Before His grace took effect you were dead and unable to do any good deeds, but now you are alive and able to do good works He has prepared for you. At one time you were dirty, covered from head to toe by sin, but you have been made new and cleaned by the blood of the lamb. God has done all this and is able to do so much more then we could ever ask.

Does the thought of sharing the gospel with your neighbor scare you because you know you are not a great evangelist? Remember that your ability to take the Gospel to those in need is not dependent on you, but on the God who is faithful to do good works through you. Has the process of sanctification been tougher then anticipated and brought more discouragement then you hoped? Be assured that being holy is what you are declared because of the cross not what you will acheive by your work. The way that God uses sheepbreeders like you and when you are humble and know your dependence on Him.

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