Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Filled and Exalted (Hosea 13:6)

Let this never be your fate, to forget your Lord and Savior. Forget all else, before you forget what He has done for you. Forget all else and you forget nothing, forget your Lord and Savior and you have forgotten all. Daily tell yourself the gospel and the good news of what Christ did for you at the cross. Let your mind never wander from your dependence on Him and your state of hopelessness without grace. Remember you are completely reliant on His mercy because that never flatters you, but only points to your need for Him.

Before the foundation of the world God had his heart set on you and choose you to be a vessel of love, therefore do not forget Him. When you were in your mother’s womb, before any knew you or saw you, God had his eyes on you and never took them off of you, so keep your eyes on Him. In the darkest moments of your life, when you ran from Him and were faithless, He remained faithful to you and won you for Himself, therefore do not forget Him.

Those that are truly humble will boast in nothing else except for Christ and Him crucified. A humble man knows that his heart has no reason to be exalted, so he spends all His time exalting God. Only in exalting God can we be exalted. With the proper perspective we see that nothing in this world has any great value, but any blessings we receive should point us back to the giver of all good gifts. Everything in this world is loss except for knowing the exceeding greatness of what God has done to redeem sinful man to Himself.

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